Natural Cures For Acne Treatment - Care of problematic complexion

.. Touch of nature to clear and healthy skin ..
Natural Cures For Acne Treatment - Care of problematic complexion

In the last article we looked at ways to improve the internal condition of problematic skin. Today we look at how nature can help us in taking care of our skin from the outside ..

How to care for problem Natural Cures For Acne Treatment?
Adequate sanitation by the problematic skin should be granted. The formation of those unpleasant pimples, sores and enlarged pores and similar expressions acne can greatly accelerate and unpleasant bacteria that are found in our skin. When insufficient and improper hygiene, these bacteria proliferate, penetrate into the deeper layers of our skin enlarged pores, where they cause inflammation. It is therefore essential that these unwelcome guests as much as possible and regularly enough to eliminate skin cleansing. The skin should be thoroughly cleaned 2 times a day - at bedtime, and then again in the morning, before the possible application of decorative cosmetics.

Acne is mostly associated with oily or combination skin. Owners of these types of skin often we can afford to use cleansing lotions containing alcohol - killer bacteria. Cosmetic products containing alcohol can some of us become irritating and too aggressively. Even many other chemical ingredients of cosmetic products, such as preservatives, dyes, perfumes and synthetic components at all, may cause allergic reactions and conditions of our skin thereby worsen. In such cases it is advisable to turn to softer natural cleansing cosmetics, indulgent also sensitive skin. In particular, our pharmacies and stores natural and herbal products today is not difficult to find products on purely natural basis. Another way is to prepare your own cosmetics made at home, with no chemical additives and often at a much lower cost.

Herbs suitable for cleansing the skin
For many herbs you can make at home in no time natural cleansing water, which they use as much as we used in lotions purchased at the store. Examples are:
Marigold, which has strong antiseptic and healing properties.
Alchemilla vulgaris is known for its healing and anti-inflammatory effects of external use.
Yarrow also has healing and antiseptic effect on the skin and also promotes blood circulation.
Chamomile our skin in addition to its antiseptic action also soothes, dries too oily skin and tightens pores.
Sage has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, so it is used for many inflamed and non-healing minor skin injuries.
As we have previously mentioned, the infusion of these herbs can be used as a lotion, but their healing and cleansing action can also use the application in the form of tiles and leave for a few minutes on our skin.

For removal of dead cells that also contribute to the formation of unpleasant symptoms of acne, it is appropriate 1-2x a week to make peeling skin. Jenoduchý, effective and gentle peeling we can make the oatmeal and let it swell for 10 minutes dissolved in yoghurt. The mixture can then applied to the skin in circular movements massage the few minutes and finally rinse with lukewarm water.

Mechanical cleaning of the skin
That's right, we should not deprive ourselves of inflamed pimples and enlarged pores all that squeezing, scraping, nipanim .. but we know you do not leave your hands .. So if we do not .. is most important to observe proper hygiene. Always have against "intervention" to wash your hands and the affected area. Hands and skin, we must thoroughly washed after completion of the work, because the bacteria that nest inside an inflamed pore, we can simply unwashed hands spread on the health of the skin. Treated area is then necessary to disinfect the best products containing alcohol or other antibacterial agent on the skin. Then there is hope that we will instead heal well.

Accelerate healing and regeneration of problematic skin
For local use is one of the most effective helpers that accelerate and improve the healing of the skin, Mr. zinc. In pharmacies can be bought for a reasonable amount of lotions, emulsions and creams containing zinc specifically designed to promote skin healing. Personally, I can confirm that the healing process when using these products with speeds up to several times, and not only for acne but also for smaller skin lesions, and significantly reduces or completely prevents the formation of scars.
The commonly available herbs is then mainly plantain known for its healing effects significantly. Its use is simple, just when fresh leaf plantain crush the mess that moment right up against the poorly healing place.
Regenerative medicine and significantly affect our skin also has aloe vera. Onu liquid gel from its leaves can be applied directly to the skin, or it may be added to facial masks, such as cottage cheese.

Recipe for infusion of Natural Cures For Acne Treatment - lotion or poultice:
1 tablespoon dried herbs (from the list above) pour 0.2 liters of hot water, let stand for 10 minutes
- On the left can be applied either as a lotion using a cotton swab, as a poultice, or washing the face and other parts of

Recipe for homemade facial mask for oily and problematic skin: Natural Cures For Acne


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